Meet the Team

  • David Bush

    An eastern WA native, WSU grad, passionate soapbox rant deliverer and karaoke singer, David found his way to the Seattle food scene in 2012. He met both Emelio and Taylor working at Pintxo in Belltown where they formed a bond based of their mutual love of silliness and creativity. He met Connor working under Chef Liz Kenyon at Manolin in Freemont and found they had a similar vision for what they would love to bring to Seattle! Rochambeau is the brainchild of this union which became what was arguably an overly ambitious COVID project for the two. However, for as long as he has can remember, David knew he wanted to provide a space where creativity, community and a passion for service, food, and drink can intertwine to make what he hopes will be something Seattle hasn’t really seen before. Plus, he thinks he is hilarious. It’s debatable.

  • Connor Bartel

    Youngest crew member of Rochambeau, Connor, hails from Chicago in the good old Midwest. Somehow he made his way out to Seattle - the story changes every time you ask him - fell in love with the Emerald city and decided to stay. Connor has been in the food scene for as long as he can remember starting out washing dishes up to running kitchens. Finally, after meeting David, Connor found a kindred spirit in the Seattle food scene to help bring about the vision he always wished to provide of a small, laid back and friendly environment were all could enjoy a drink and food together. Be warned, if you strike up a conversation with Connor be ready for puns and lots of pictures of his cats.

  • Emelio Sansone

    Emelio Sansone is a charismatic Florida-transplant who has excitedly found his new home kitchen at Rochambeau. Loaded with a penchant for questioning the status quo (AKA seeing how far he can respectfully and tactfully bend a recipe) and a fervor for culinary exploration, Emelio’s evolved culinary style carries distinct footprints that nod to the various inspirations & periods in his development as an industry professional. Besides being a paella instructor, Emelio has appeared at demonstrations at the Bite of Seattle alongside revered Seattle Chefs Thierry Rautureau & Tom Douglass, as well as had a feature on KING 5’s Evening Magazine. He was one of a hand-selected group of chefs who got to contribute recipes to writer/author Julien Perry’s 2020 cookbook, Washington Wine and Food: A Cookbook. If you’ve been able to catch him in an open kitchen, he’s been known to offer some on the spot cooking tips! Rochambeau will be a stage to showcase the collective experience of a team driven by their true love for the industry.